Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and Introduction

    2. Expectations

    3. How this program works

    4. How to Get the Most Out of Your Slack Community

    5. Calendar of Coaching Calls , Workshops and Zoom Links

    1. There Will Never Be Another You + Daily Work

    2. Sacred Sales Conversations Guidebook

    3. 30-Day Goal Workbook

    4. The Model (CTFAR)

    5. 1-Year Business Review

    6. Marketing Activities

    7. 50-50 Problem Solution Worksheet

    1. 90- Day Money Mood Journal

    2. 30-Day Income Sprint

    3. 6-Month Review- Where You are Right Now

    1. Your Fierce, Formidable, and Feminine CEO Mindset (5 September 2023)

    2. Creating Your Signature Offer (17 October 2023)

    3. Mastering Sales Conversation (28 November 2023)

    4. Goal Setting, 2024 Planning, and Your 3-Year Plan

    5. Time Management and The Power of Productivity (13 February 2024)

    6. Abundance, Money Mindset, and Sales Workshop (12 March 2024)

    7. 100 Days of Planning (7 May 2024)

    8. 7 Common Copywriting Mistakes People Make in their Newsletters - and How to Fix Them & Leaders and Leadership in Business

    9. 100 Days Of Planning (3 September 2024)

    10. Magnetize & Monetize Your Messaging (19 November 2024)

    11. 2025 Strategy & Planning Workshop (17 December 2024)

    12. Branding Basics for Building a Profitable Business

    13. Branding For Impact (21 January 2025)

    1. Your Career as a CEO

    2. Daily Self-Coaching: Making Money with Your Mind

    3. The Art of Benevolent Brainwashing

    4. Thought Ladders, Goal Thoughts, and the 1% Shift

    5. How to Get it Done

    1. Ideal Client Avatar Worksheet

    2. Signature Offer Worksheet

    3. Four Types of Content that Sell

    4. Marketing from Abundance & Creating Your Content Pillars

About this course

  • $6,500.00
  • 104 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today